《Chinese Victoria: A Long and Difficult Journey 》新書發布會
請在7月25日參加華裔博物館在維多利亞番攤里10-14號舉行,歷史學家 John Adams 的《Chinese Victoria: A Long and Difficult Journey》新書發布會! 這本附有豐富圖片的書籍精巧地探討了加拿大華人在維多利亞的生活和他們塑造加國最古老唐人街的過程,並說明了維多利亞的華人社區在更廣泛的省級、國家和跨國問題中的重要性。
下午 5:00 恭候, 并在5:30 開始作者演講和簽名會。 名額有限。 立即登記參加。
John Adams 是華裔博物館董事會成員,亦是 “第一步:華裔在維多利亞市的歷程” 的策展人,該特展現正在華裔博物館位於維多利亞唐人街的番攤里臨時展點展出。
More on John Adams
John Adams was born in Ontario and moved to Victoria with his parents in 1960. He graduated from Victoria High School and attended the University of Victoria before going UBC to complete a BA in History (1972). He received a Masters degree in Museology from the University of Toronto. His working career was in the museum and historic sites field as well as teaching museum studies for twenty-eight years between SFU and the University of Victoria. Since 2000, he has operated his own history company called “Discover the Past” in Victoria, specializing in historical research, writing and conducting walking tours.Adams is a former president of the BC Museums Association, the Victoria Historical Society, the Old Cemeteries Society of Victoria, and currently is a director of the Chinese Canadian Museum Society of British Columbia and the Victoria Chinatown Museum Society. Chinese Victoria is his seventh book. John and his wife Donna live in a heritage house in Victoria’s James Bay neighbourhood. (Chinese Victoria)