11月28日(星期四), 6:30 P.M.(太平洋標準時間)
《加華對話》 探索關日安的藝術| 溫哥華
《尋影覓跡:1923排華法案》展覽的策展人導覽 | 溫哥華
Join our guest curator Catherine Clement on a special Curator's Tour for the Paper Trail exhibition!Saturday, December 7, 1:00 P.M. PDT
The Masterminds Behind “The Awakening”
How has Cantonese Opera been adapted to tell contemporary stories? Join the Vancouver Cantonese Opera to learn about "The Awakening," a fusion opera that aims to shed light on the struggles and triumphs of Chinese Canadians during the Second World War.Ongoing
The School Room: A Podcast From the Chinese Canadian Museum
Recorded inside the historic school room in the Wing Sang Building, The School Room shares stories connected to the Chinese Canadian Museum’s exhibitions and programming.Ongoing